Sunday, November 5, 2017

List of Perfect Squares Foldable

It's simple, but I love this perfect squares foldable I created for students' notebooks this year.  In the past, I've just had students write a list of perfect squares up through 25^2, but then I'm left with the dilemma of deciding if I should have students write that a whole number squared is equal to a perfect square number or have them write that a whole number is equal to the square root of a perfect square.  I like that students are able to see the relationship both ways with this foldable.



They print two per page.  Print double-sided (flip on long edge) and cut down the length of the paper.  To fold, first fold in half lengthwise with the picture on the outside.  Then fold in half the other direction with the picture still facing out.

View/Download: Perfect Squares Foldable

1 comment:

  1. I was having the same dilemma and love this solution - thank you!
